Source code for colvarsfinder.core

r"""Training Tasks --- :mod:`colvarsfinder.core`

:Author: Wei Zhang
:Year: 2022
:Copyright: GNU Public License v3

This module implements classes for learning collective variables (CVs).  
The following training tasks derived from the base class :class:`TrainingTask` are implemented:

    #. :class:`AutoEncoderTask`, which finds collective variables by training autoencoder.
    #. :class:`RegAutoEncoderTask`, which finds collective variables by training a regularized autoencoder.
    #. :class:`EigenFunctionTask`, which finds collective variables by computing eigenfunctions of either infinitesimal generator or transfer operator.

See :ref:`math_backgrounds`.

Base class

.. autoclass:: TrainingTask

Learning CVs by training autoencoder

.. autoclass:: AutoEncoderTask

Learning CVs by training regularized autoencoder

.. autoclass:: RegAutoEncoderTask

Learning CVs by computing eigenfunctions of transfer operator or generator

.. autoclass:: EigenFunctionTask

import itertools 
import numpy as np
import torch
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split 
import pandas as pd
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
import os
import copy
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from tqdm import tqdm

from colvarsfinder.nn import RegModel, EigenFunctions, AutoEncoder, RegAutoEncoder

from openmm import unit

[docs]class TrainingTask(ABC): r"""Abstract base class of train tasks. Args: traj_obj (:class:`colvarsfinder.utils.WeightedTrajectory`): An object that holds trajectory data and weights pp_layer (:external+pytorch:class:`torch.nn.Module`): preprocessing layer. It corresponds to the function :math:`r` described in :ref:`rep_colvars` model : neural network to be trained model_path (str): directory to save training results learning_rate (float): learning rate load_model_filename (str): filename of a trained model, used to restart from a previous training save_model_every_step (int): how often to save model k (int): number of collective variables to be learned batch_size (int): size of mini-batch num_epochs (int): number of training epochs test_ratio: float in :math:`(0,1)`, ratio of the amount of data used as test data optimizer_name (str): name of optimizer used to train neural networks. either 'Adam' or 'SGD' device (:external+pytorch:class:`torch.torch.device`): computing device, either CPU or GPU plot_class: plot callback class plot_frequency: how often (epoch) to call plot function specified by plot_class verbose (bool): print more information if true debug_mode (bool): if true, write model to file during the training Attributes: traj_obj: same as the input parameter preprocessing_layer: same as the input parameter pp_layer model: same as the input parameter model_path : same as the input parameter learning_rate: same as the input parameter load_model_filename: same as the input parameter save_model_every_step : same as the input parameter k: same as the input parameter batch_size: same as the input parameter num_epochs: same as the input parameter test_ratio: same as the input parameter optimizer_name: same as the input parameter optimizer: either :external+pytorch:class:`torch.optim.Adam` or :external+pytorch:class:`torch.optim.SGD` device: same as the input parameter plot_class: same as the input parameter plot_frequency: same as the input parameter verbose: same as the input parameter debug_mode: same as the input parameter """ def __init__(self, traj_obj, pp_layer, model, model_path, learning_rate, load_model_filename, save_model_every_step, k, batch_size, num_epochs, test_ratio, optimizer_name, device, plot_class, plot_frequency, verbose, debug_mode): self.traj_obj = traj_obj self.preprocessing_layer = self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_epochs= num_epochs self.test_ratio = test_ratio self.k = k self.model = model self.load_model_filename = load_model_filename self.save_model_every_step = save_model_every_step self.model_path = model_path self.optimizer_name = optimizer_name self.device = device self.plot_class = plot_class self.plot_frequency = plot_frequency self.verbose = verbose self.debug_mode = debug_mode self.model_name = type(self).__name__ if self.verbose: print ('\n[Info] Log directory: {}\n'.format(self.model_path), flush=True) self.writer = SummaryWriter(self.model_path)
[docs] def init_model_and_optimizer(self): r"""Initialize :attr:`model` and :attr:`optimizer`. The previously saved model will be loaded for initialization, if :attr:`load_model_filename` points to an existing file. The attribute :attr:`optimizer` is set to :external+pytorch:class:`torch.optim.Adam`, if :attr:`optimizer_name` = 'Adam' (case-insensitive); Otherwise, it is set to :external+pytorch:class:`torch.optim.SGD`. This function shall be called in the constructor of derived classes. """ if self.load_model_filename : if os.path.isfile(self.load_model_filename): self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(self.load_model_filename, map_location=self.device), strict=False) if self.verbose: print (f'model parameters loaded from: {self.load_model_filename}') else : if self.verbose: print (f'model file not found: {self.load_model_filename}') if self.optimizer_name.lower() == 'adam': self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate) else: self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate)
[docs] def save_model(self, epoch, description="latest"): r"""Save model to file. Args: epoch (int): current epoch description (str): name of subdirectory to save files The state_dict of the trained :attr:`model` will be saved at `` under the subdirectory specified by *description* in the output directory. Weights and biases of each layer are also saved in text files. The neural network representing collective variables corresponding to :attr:`model` (e.g. encoder part of autoencoder) is first constructed by calling :meth:`colvar_model`, then compiled to a :external+pytorch:class:`torch.jit.ScriptModule`, which is finally saved under the output directory. If the device is GPU, both CPU and CUDA versions will be saved. This function is called by :meth:`train`. """ if self.verbose: print (f"\n\nEpoch={epoch}:") if self.debug_mode is True : model_save_dir = f'{self.model_path}/models' if not os.path.exists(model_save_dir): os.makedirs(model_save_dir) #save the model model_filename = f'{model_save_dir}/model_{epoch}.pt', model_filename) model_save_dir = f'{self.model_path}/{description}' if not os.path.exists(model_save_dir): os.makedirs(model_save_dir) #save the model model_filename = f'{model_save_dir}/', model_filename) for idx in range(self.k): param_vec = self.model.get_params_of_cv(idx) for named_param in param_vec: name, param = named_param fname = '%s/%d_' % (model_save_dir, idx) + name.replace('.', '_') + '.txt' np.savetxt(fname, param.detach().numpy()) if self.verbose: print (f' trained model saved at:\n\t{model_filename}') cv = self.colvar_model() if self.device.type == 'cuda': scripted_cv_filename = f'{model_save_dir}/' torch.jit.script(cv).save(scripted_cv_filename) if self.verbose: print (f' script (GPU) model for CVs saved at:\n\t{scripted_cv_filename}\n', flush=True)'cpu') scripted_cv_filename = f'{model_save_dir}/' torch.jit.script(cv).save(scripted_cv_filename) if self.verbose: print (f' script (CPU) model for CVs saved at:\n\t{scripted_cv_filename}\n', flush=True) else : scripted_cv_filename = f'{model_save_dir}/' torch.jit.script(cv).save(scripted_cv_filename) if self.verbose: print (f' script (CPU) model for CVs saved at:\n\t{scripted_cv_filename}\n', flush=True)
[docs] @abstractmethod def train(self): r"""Function to train the model. This function has to be implemented in derived class. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def colvar_model(self): r""" Return: :external+pytorch:class:`torch.nn.Module`: neural network that represents collective variables given :attr:`preprocessing_layer` and :attr:`model`. This function is called by :meth:`save_model`. """ pass
@abstractmethod def reg_model(self): pass
[docs]class EigenFunctionTask(TrainingTask): r"""Class for training eigenfunctions of transfer operator or generator. Args: traj_obj (:class:`colvarsfinder.utils.WeightedTrajectory`): An object that holds trajectory data and weights pp_layer (:external+pytorch:class:`torch.nn.Module`): preprocessing layer. It corresponds to the function :math:`r` in :ref:`rep_colvars` model (:class:`colvarsfinder.nn.EigenFunctions`): feedforward neural network to be trained. It corresponds to functions :math:`g_1, \dots, g_k` described in :ref:`loss_eigenfunction` model_path (str): directory to save training results alpha (float): penalty constant :math:`\alpha` in the loss function eig_weights (list of floats): :math:`k` weights :math:`\omega_1 \ge \omega_2 \ge \dots \ge \omega_k > 0` in the loss functions in :ref:`loss_eigenfunction` diag_coeff (:external+pytorch:class:`torch.Tensor`): 1D PyTorch tensor of length :math:`d`, which contains diagonal entries of the matrix :math:`a` in the :ref:`loss_eigenfunction` beta (float): :math:`(k_BT)^{-1}` for MD systems, only relevant when lag_tau=0 (the case of generator) lag_tau (float): lag-time :math:`\tau` in the loss function. Positive value corresponds to learning eigenfunctions of transfer operator, while zero corresponds to generator. The unit is ns for MD systems. learning_rate (float): learning rate load_model_filename (str): filename of a trained model, used to restart from a previous training if provided save_model_every_step (int): how often to save model sort_eigvals_in_training (bool): whether or not to reorder the :math:`k` eigenfunctions according to estimated eigenvalues (such that the first corresponds to the slowest scale) k (int): number of eigenfunctions to be learned batch_size (int): size of mini-batch num_epochs (int): number of training epochs test_ratio: float in :math:`(0,1)`, ratio of the amount of data used as test data optimizer_name (str): name of optimizer used to train neural networks. either 'Adam' or 'SGD' device (:external+pytorch:class:`torch.torch.device`): computing device, either CPU or GPU plot_class: plot callback class plot_frequency: how often (epoch) to call plot function verbose (bool): print more information if true debug_mode (bool): if true, write model to file during the training Attributes: model: same as the input parameter preprocessing_layer: same as the input parameter pp_layer loss_list: list of loss values evaluated on training data and test data during the training train_loss_df (:external+pandas:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): dataframe of training loss for each epoch test_loss_df (:external+pandas:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): dataframe of test loss for each epoch .. note:: Make sure that lag_tau= :math:`i\Delta t` for some integers :math:`i`, where :math:`\Delta t` is the time interval between two consecutive states in the trajectory data stored in traj_obj. For MD systems, the unit of the lag-time is ns, the same as the unit of :attr:`dt` in :class:`colvarsfinder.utils.WeightedTrajectory`. See :ref:`loss_eigenfunction`. """ def __init__(self, traj_obj, pp_layer, model, model_path, alpha, eig_weights, diag_coeff=None, beta=1.0, lag_tau=0, learning_rate=0.01, load_model_filename=None, save_model_every_step=10, sort_eigvals_in_training=True, k=1, batch_size=1000, num_epochs=10, test_ratio=0.2, optimizer_name='Adam', device= torch.device('cpu'), plot_class=None, plot_frequency=0, verbose=True, debug_mode=True): super().__init__( traj_obj, pp_layer, model, model_path, learning_rate, load_model_filename, save_model_every_step, k, batch_size, num_epochs, test_ratio, optimizer_name, device, plot_class, plot_frequency, verbose, debug_mode ) assert isinstance(model, EigenFunctions), 'model must be an object of the class EigenFunctions' assert k == len(model.eigen_funcs), f'number of cv ({k}) must equal the number of eigenfunctions ({len(model.eigen_funcs)})' self.model = model self._alpha = alpha self._sort_eigvals_in_training = sort_eigvals_in_training self._eig_w = eig_weights self._cvec = None self.traj_dt = traj_obj.dt lag_idx = lag_tau / self.traj_dt assert abs(lag_idx-int(lag_idx)) < 1e-6, f'lag-time ({lag_tau}) not divisable by the timestep {self.traj_dt} of the trajectory' self.lag_idx = int(lag_idx) # list of (i,j) pairs in the penalty term self._ij_list = list(itertools.combinations(range(self.k), 2)) self._num_ij_pairs = len(self._ij_list) if self.verbose: print ('\nEigenfunctions:\n', self.model, flush=True) self.init_model_and_optimizer() # get the trajectory and weights self._weights = torch.tensor(traj_obj.weights).to(dtype=torch.get_default_dtype()) self._traj = torch.tensor(traj_obj.trajectory).to(dtype=torch.get_default_dtype()) self.tot_dim = traj_obj.trajectory[0,...].size if self.lag_idx == 0 : # generator self._beta = beta if diag_coeff is not None : # use the diagonal matrix provided assert diag_coeff.dim() == 1 and diag_coeff.size(dim=0) == self.tot_dim, f'diag_coeff should be a 1d tensor of length {self.tot_dim}, current shape: {diag_coeff}' self._diag_coeff = diag_coeff else : # identity self._diag_coeff = torch.ones(self.tot_dim)
[docs] def get_reordered_eigenfunctions(self, model, cvec): r""" Args: model (:class:`colvarsfinder.nn.EigenFunctions`): model whose module list :attr:`colvarsfinder.nn.EigenFunctions.eigen_funcs` are to be reordered. cvec (list of int): a permutation of :math:`[0, 1, \dots, k-1]` Return: a new object of :class:`colvarsfinder.nn.EigenFunctions` by deep copy whose module list are reordered according to cvec. Functions in :attr:`model` may not be sorted according to the magnitude of eigenvalues. This function returns a sorted model that can then be saved to file. """ copyed_model = copy.deepcopy(model) copyed_model.eigen_funcs = torch.nn.ModuleList([copy.deepcopy(model.eigen_funcs[idx]) for idx in cvec]) return copyed_model
[docs] def colvar_model(self): r""" Return: :external+pytorch:class:`torch.nn.Module`: neural network that represents collective variables :math:`\xi=(g_1\circ r, \dots, g_k\circ r)^T`, built from :attr:`preprocessing_layer` that represents :math:`r` and :attr:`model` that represents :math:`g_1, g_2, \cdots, g_k`. See :ref:`loss_eigenfunction`. """ if self._cvec is None : self._cvec = torch.arange(self.k) reordered_model = self.get_reordered_eigenfunctions(self.model, self._cvec) return torch.nn.Sequential(self.preprocessing_layer, reordered_model)
def reg_model(self): return None
[docs] def loss_func(self, X, weight, X_lagged, weight_lagged): r""" Args: X: data, input tensor X_lagged: data, time-lagged input tensor weight: weights of data X weight_lagged: weights of data X_lagged Return: total loss, eigenvalues, variational objective, penalty, and ordering of eigenfunctions (a list of indices) X_lagged and weight_lagged are only used when computing eigenfunctions of transfer operator. """ # evaluate function value on data y = self.model(self.preprocessing_layer(X)) # total weight, will be used for normalization tot_weight = weight.sum() # mean and variance evaluated on data mean_list = [(y[:,idx] * weight).sum() / tot_weight for idx in range(self.k)] var_list = [(y[:,idx]**2 * weight).sum() / tot_weight - mean_list[idx]**2 for idx in range(self.k)] if self.lag_idx > 0 : # for transfer operator, also compute quantities on time-lagged data tot_weight_lagged = weight_lagged.sum() y_lagged = self.model(self.preprocessing_layer(X_lagged)) mean_list_lagged = [(y_lagged[:,idx] * weight_lagged).sum() / tot_weight_lagged for idx in range(self.k)] var_list_lagged = [(y_lagged[:,idx]**2 * weight_lagged).sum() / tot_weight_lagged - mean_list_lagged[idx]**2 for idx in range(self.k)] if self.lag_idx == 0 : # generator """ Compute gradients with respect to coordinates The flag create_graph=True is needed, because later we need to compute gradients w.r.t. parameters; Please refer to the torch.autograd.grad function for details. """ y_grad_vec = torch.stack([torch.autograd.grad(outputs=y[:,idx].sum(), inputs=X, retain_graph=True, create_graph=True)[0].reshape((-1,self.tot_dim)) for idx in range(self.k)], dim=2) # Compute Rayleigh quotients as eigenvalues eig_vals = torch.tensor([1.0 / (tot_weight * self._beta) * torch.sum((y_grad_vec[:,:,idx]**2 * self._diag_coeff).sum(dim=1) * weight) / var_list[idx] for idx in range(self.k)]).to(dtype=torch.get_default_dtype()) else : eig_vals = 1.0 / (self.traj_dt * self.lag_idx) * torch.tensor([1.0 / tot_weight * torch.sum(((y_lagged[:,idx] - y[:,idx])**2) * weight) / (var_list[idx] + var_list_lagged[idx]) for idx in range(self.k)]) cvec = range(self.k) if self._sort_eigvals_in_training : cvec = np.argsort(eig_vals) # Sort the eigenvalues eig_vals = eig_vals[cvec] # compute variational objective, i.e. weighted sum of Dirichlet energies if self.lag_idx == 0 : # for generator non_penalty_loss = 1.0 / (tot_weight * self._beta) * sum([self._eig_w[idx] * torch.sum((y_grad_vec[:,:,cvec[idx]]**2 * self._diag_coeff).sum(dim=1) * weight) / var_list[cvec[idx]] for idx in range(self.k)]) else : # for transfer operator non_penalty_loss = 1.0 / (self.traj_dt * self.lag_idx) * 1.0 / tot_weight * sum([self._eig_w[idx] * torch.sum((y_lagged[:,idx] - y[:,idx])**2 * weight) / (var_list[cvec[idx]] + var_list_lagged[cvec[idx]]) for idx in range(self.k)]) # compute penalty penalty = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True) # normalization: sum of squares of variance for each eigenfunction penalty = sum([(var_list[idx] - 1.0)**2 for idx in range(self.k)]) # orthogonality for idx in range(self._num_ij_pairs): ij = self._ij_list[idx] # sum of squares of covariance between two different eigenfunctions penalty += ((y[:, ij[0]] * y[:, ij[1]] * weight).sum() / tot_weight - mean_list[ij[0]] * mean_list[ij[1]])**2 # total loss loss = 1.0 * non_penalty_loss + self._alpha * penalty return loss, eig_vals, non_penalty_loss, penalty, cvec
[docs] def train(self): r""" Function to train the model. """ ll = self._traj.shape[0] - self.lag_idx X_train, X_test, w_train, w_test, index_train, index_test = train_test_split(self._traj[:ll, :], self._weights[:ll], torch.arange(ll, dtype=torch.long), test_size=self.test_ratio) # split the dataset into a training set (and its associated weights) and a test set X_train, X_test, w_train, w_test, index_train, index_test = train_test_split(self._traj[:ll,:], self._weights[:ll], torch.arange(ll, dtype=torch.long), test_size=self.test_ratio) bs_train = min(self.batch_size, X_train.shape[0]) # method to construct data batches and iterate over them train_loader =, w_train, index_train), batch_size=bs_train, drop_last=True, shuffle=False) bs_test = min(self.batch_size, X_test.shape[0]) test_loader =, w_test, index_test), batch_size=bs_test, drop_last=True, shuffle=False) # assert len(train_loader) > 0 and len(test_loader) > 0, 'DataLoader is empty, possibly because batch size is too large comparing to trajectory data!' # --- start the training over the required number of epochs --- self.loss_list = [] min_loss = float("inf") print ("\nTraining starts.\n%d epochs in total, batch sizes (train/test): %d/%d" % (self.num_epochs, bs_train, bs_test)) print ("\nTrain set:\n\t%d data, %d iterations per epoch, %d iterations in total." % (len(index_train), len(train_loader), len(train_loader) * self.num_epochs), flush=True) print ("Test set:\n\t%d data, %d iterations per epoch, %d iterations in total." % (len(index_test), len(test_loader), len(test_loader) * self.num_epochs), flush=True) for epoch in tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)): # train the model by going through the whole dataset self.model.train() train_loss = [] for iteration, [X, weight, index] in enumerate(train_loader) : X, weight, index =,, # clear gradients w.r.t. parameters self.optimizer.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) if self.lag_idx == 0 : # generator # we will compute spatial gradients X.requires_grad_() X_lagged = None weight_lagged = None else : # transfer operator, time-lagged data are needed X_lagged = self._traj[index + self.lag_idx] weight_lagged = self._weights[index + self.lag_idx] # evaluate loss loss, eig_vals, non_penalty_loss, penalty, self._cvec = self.loss_func(X, weight, X_lagged, weight_lagged) # get gradient with respect to parameters of the model loss.backward(retain_graph=True) # store loss train_loss.append([loss, non_penalty_loss, penalty] + [eig_vals[i] for i in range(self.k)]) # updating parameters self.optimizer.step() if self.save_model_every_step > 0 and epoch % self.save_model_every_step == self.save_model_every_step - 1 : self.save_model(epoch) if loss < min_loss: min_loss = loss self.save_model(epoch, 'best') if self.plot_frequency > 0 and epoch % self.plot_frequency == self.plot_frequency - 1 : if self.plot_class is not None : self.plot_class.plot(self.colvar_model(), epoch=epoch) # evaluate the test loss on the test dataset test_loss = [] for iteration, [X, weight, index] in enumerate(test_loader): X, weight, index =,, if self.lag_idx == 0 : # we will compute spatial gradients X.requires_grad_() X_lagged = None weight_lagged = None else : X_lagged = self._traj[index + self.lag_idx] weight_lagged = self._weights[index + self.lag_idx] loss, eig_vals, non_penalty_loss, penalty, cvec = self.loss_func(X, weight, X_lagged, weight_lagged) # store loss test_loss.append([loss, non_penalty_loss, penalty] + [eig_vals[i] for i in range(self.k)]) self.loss_list.append([torch.tensor(train_loss), torch.tensor(test_loss)]) loss_names = ['loss', 'eigen_non_penalty', 'eigen_penalty'] + ['eig_%d' % (i+1) for i in range(self.k)] mean_train_loss = torch.mean(torch.tensor(train_loss), 0) mean_test_loss = torch.mean(torch.tensor(test_loss), 0) for i, name in enumerate(loss_names): self.writer.add_scalar('%s/train' % name, mean_train_loss[i], epoch) self.writer.add_scalar('%s/test' % name, mean_test_loss[i], epoch) train_loss_epoch=[torch.mean(ll[0],dim=0,keepdim=True) for ll in self.loss_list]) self.train_loss_df = pd.DataFrame(train_loss_epoch, columns=loss_names) test_loss_epoch=[torch.mean(ll[1],dim=0,keepdim=True) for ll in self.loss_list]) self.test_loss_df = pd.DataFrame(test_loss_epoch, columns=loss_names)
[docs]class AutoEncoderTask(TrainingTask): r"""Class for training autoencoders using reconstruction loss. Args: traj_obj (:class:`colvarsfinder.utils.WeightedTrajectory`): trajectory data pp_layer (:external+pytorch:class:`torch.nn.Module`): preprocessing layer. It corresponds to the function :math:`r:\mathbb{R}^{d}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{d_r}` described in :ref:`rep_colvars` model (:class:`colvarsfinder.nn.AutoEncoder`): neural network to be trained model_path (str): directory to save training results learning_rate (float): learning rate load_model_filename (str): filename of a trained neural network, used to restart from a previous training if provided save_model_every_step (int): how often to save model batch_size (int): size of mini-batch num_epochs (int): number of training epochs test_ratio: float in :math:`(0,1)`, ratio of the amount of data used as test data optimizer_name (str): name of optimizer used for training. either 'Adam' or 'SGD' device (:external+pytorch:class:`torch.torch.device`): computing device, either CPU or GPU plot_class: plot callback class plot_frequency: how often (epoch) to call plot function verbose (bool): print more information if true debug_mode (bool): if true, save model to file during the training, otherwise only the latest or best is kept. This task trains autoencoders using the standard reconstruction loss discussed in :ref:`loss_autoencoder`. The neural networks representing the encoder :math:`f_{enc}:\mathbb{R}^{d_r}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^k` and the decoder :math:`f_{enc}:\mathbb{R}^{k}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{d_r}` are stored in :attr:`model.encoder` and :attr:`model.decoder`, respectively. .. note:: When plot_class!=None, the following line is executed in :meth:`AutoEncoderTask.train`: .. code-block:: python self.plot_class.plot(self.colvar_model(), epoch=epoch) Accordingly, plot_class should be an object of some class with such a member function. Attributes: model: same as the input parameter preprocessing_layer: same as the input parameter pp_layer loss_list: list of loss values on training data and test data during the training train_loss_df (:external+pandas:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): dataframe of training loss for each epoch test_loss_df (:external+pandas:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): dataframe of test loss for each epoch """ def __init__(self, traj_obj, pp_layer, model, model_path, learning_rate=0.01, load_model_filename=None, save_model_every_step=10, batch_size=1000, num_epochs=10, test_ratio=0.2, optimizer_name='Adam', device= torch.device('cpu'), plot_class=None, plot_frequency=0, verbose=True, debug_mode=True): super().__init__( traj_obj, pp_layer, model, model_path, learning_rate, load_model_filename, save_model_every_step, model.encoded_dim, batch_size, num_epochs, test_ratio, optimizer_name, device, plot_class, plot_frequency, verbose, debug_mode) assert isinstance(model, AutoEncoder), 'model must be an object of the class AutoEncoder' self.init_model_and_optimizer() #--- prepare the data --- self._weights = torch.tensor(traj_obj.weights).to(dtype=torch.get_default_dtype()) self._feature_traj = self.preprocessing_layer(torch.tensor(traj_obj.trajectory).to(dtype=torch.get_default_dtype())) # print information of trajectory if self.verbose: print ( '\nShape of trajectory data array:\n {}'.format(self._feature_traj.shape), flush=True )
[docs] def colvar_model(self): r""" Return: :external+pytorch:class:`torch.nn.Module`: neural network that represents collective variables. It is the concatenation of :attr:`preprocessing_layer` and :attr:`model.encoder`. This function is called by :meth:`TrainingTask.save_model` in the base class. """ return torch.nn.Sequential(self.preprocessing_layer, self.model.encoder)
def reg_model(self): return None
[docs] def weighted_MSE_loss(self, X, weight): r""" Args: X: input PyTorch tensor weight: weights of data Return: reconstruction (MSE) loss of autoencoder """ # Forward pass to get output out = self.model(X) # Evaluate loss return (weight * torch.sum((out-X)**2, dim=1)).sum() / weight.sum()
[docs] def train(self): """Function to train the model """ # split the dataset into a training set (and its associated weights) and a test set X_train, X_test, w_train, w_test, index_train, index_test = train_test_split(self._feature_traj, self._weights, torch.arange(self._feature_traj.shape[0], dtype=torch.long), test_size=self.test_ratio) bs_train = min(self.batch_size, X_train.shape[0]) # method to construct data batches and iterate over them train_loader = =, w_train, index_train), batch_size=bs_train, drop_last=True, shuffle=False) bs_test = min(self.batch_size, X_test.shape[0]) test_loader =, w_test, index_test), batch_size=bs_test, drop_last=True, shuffle=False) # --- start the training over the required number of epochs --- self.loss_list = [] min_loss = float("inf") print ("\nTraining starts.\n%d epochs in total, batch sizes (train/test): %d/%d" % (self.num_epochs, bs_train, bs_test)) print ("\nTrain set:\n\t%d data, %d iterations per epoch, %d iterations in total." % (len(index_train), len(train_loader), len(train_loader) * self.num_epochs), flush=True) print ("Test set:\n\t%d data, %d iterations per epoch, %d iterations in total." % (len(index_test), len(test_loader), len(test_loader) * self.num_epochs), flush=True) for epoch in tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)): # Train the model by going through the whole dataset self.model.train() train_loss = [] for iteration, [X, weight, index] in enumerate(train_loader): X, weight, index =,, # Clear gradients w.r.t. parameters self.optimizer.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) # Evaluate loss loss = self.weighted_MSE_loss(X, weight) # Get gradient with respect to parameters of the model loss.backward() # Store loss train_loss.append(loss) # Updating parameters self.optimizer.step() if self.save_model_every_step > 0 and epoch % self.save_model_every_step == self.save_model_every_step - 1 : self.save_model(epoch) if loss < min_loss: min_loss = loss self.save_model(epoch, 'best') if self.plot_frequency > 0 and epoch % self.plot_frequency == self.plot_frequency - 1 : if self.plot_class is not None : self.plot_class.plot(self.colvar_model(), epoch=epoch) # Evaluate the test loss on the test dataset self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): # Evaluation of test loss test_loss = [] for iteration, [X, weight, index] in enumerate(test_loader): X, weight, index =,, loss = self.weighted_MSE_loss(X, weight) # Store loss test_loss.append(loss) self.loss_list.append([torch.tensor(train_loss), torch.tensor(test_loss)]) self.writer.add_scalar('Loss/train', torch.mean(torch.tensor(train_loss)), epoch) self.writer.add_scalar('Loss/test', torch.mean(torch.tensor(test_loss)), epoch) train_loss_epoch=[torch.mean(ll[0],dim=0,keepdim=True) for ll in self.loss_list]) self.train_loss_df = pd.DataFrame(train_loss_epoch, columns=['loss']) test_loss_epoch=[torch.mean(ll[1],dim=0,keepdim=True) for ll in self.loss_list]) self.test_loss_df = pd.DataFrame(test_loss_epoch, columns=['loss'])
[docs]class RegAutoEncoderTask(TrainingTask): r"""Class for training regularized autoencoders. Args: traj_obj (:class:`colvarsfinder.utils.WeightedTrajectory`): trajectory data pp_layer (:external+pytorch:class:`torch.nn.Module`): preprocessing layer. It corresponds to the function :math:`r:\mathbb{R}^{d}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{d_r}` described in :ref:`rep_colvars` model (:class:`colvarsfinder.nn.RegAutoEncoder`): neural network to be trained model_path (str): directory to save training results eig_weights (list of floats): weights :math:`(\omega_i)_{1\le i\le K}` in the regularization part of the loss function involving :math:`K` eigenfunctions learning_rate (float): learning rate load_model_filename (str): filename of a trained neural network, used to restart from a previous training if provided save_model_every_step (int): how often to save model batch_size (int): size of mini-batch num_epochs (int): number of training epochs test_ratio: float in :math:`(0,1)`, ratio of the amount of data used as test data optimizer_name (str): name of optimizer used in training. either 'Adam' or 'SGD' alpha (float): weight of the reconstruction loss gamma (list of two floats): weights :math:`\gamma_1,\gamma_2` in the regularization loss involving eigenfunctions (i.e. variational objective and penalty) eta (list of three floats): weights :math:`\eta_1,\eta_2,\eta_3` in the regularization loss, related to constraints on the (squared, integrated) gradient norm, the norm, and the orthogonality of the encoders lag_tau_ae (float): lag-time :math:`\tau_1` in the reconstruction loss. Positive number corresponds to time-lagged autoencoder, while zero for standard autoencoder lag_tau_reg (float): lag-time :math:`\tau_2` in the regularization loss involving eigenfunctions. Positive number corresponds to computing eigenfunctions for transfer operator, while zero corresponds to computing eigenfunctions of generator beta (float): inverse of temperature, only relevant when the regularization loss corresponds to generator (i.e. lag_tau_reg=0) device (:external+pytorch:class:`torch.torch.device`): computing device, either CPU or GPU plot_class: plot callback class plot_frequency: how often (epoch) to call plot function of plot_class freeze_encoder (bool): fix parameters of encoder if true verbose (bool): print more information if true debug_mode (bool): if true, write model to file during the training This task trains a regularized autoencoder using the generalized loss discussed in :ref:`loss_regautoencoder`. The neural networks representing the encoder :math:`f_{enc}:\mathbb{R}^{d_r}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^k`, the decoder :math:`f_{enc}:\mathbb{R}^{k}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{d_r}`, and the regularizers :math:`\widetilde{f}_1,\cdots, \widetilde{f}_K:\mathbb{R}^k\rightarrow \mathbb{R}` are stored in :attr:`model.encoder`, :attr:`model.decoder`, and :attr:`model.reg`, respectively. Attributes: model: same as the input parameter preprocessing_layer: same as the input parameter pp_layer loss_list: list of loss values evaluated on training data and test data during the training train_loss_df (:external+pandas:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): dataframe of training loss for each epoch test_loss_df (:external+pandas:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): dataframe of test loss for each epoch .. note:: Make sure that lag_tau_ae= :math:`i\Delta t` and lag_tau_reg= :math:`j\Delta t` for some integers :math:`i,j`, where :math:`\Delta t` is the time interval between two consecutive states in the trajectory data stored in traj_obj. For MD systems, the unit of both lag-times is ns, the same as the unit of :attr:`dt` in :class:`colvarsfinder.utils.WeightedTrajectory`. """ def __init__(self, traj_obj, pp_layer, model, model_path, eig_weights=[], learning_rate=0.01, load_model_filename=None, save_model_every_step=10, batch_size=1000, num_epochs=10, test_ratio=0.2, optimizer_name='Adam', alpha=1.0, gamma=[0.0, 0.0], eta=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], lag_tau_ae=0, lag_tau_reg=0, beta=1.0, device= torch.device('cpu'), plot_class=None, plot_frequency=0, freeze_encoder=False, verbose=True, debug_mode=True): super().__init__( traj_obj, pp_layer, model, model_path, learning_rate, load_model_filename, save_model_every_step, model.encoded_dim, batch_size, num_epochs, test_ratio, optimizer_name, device, plot_class, plot_frequency, verbose, debug_mode) self.init_model_and_optimizer() assert isinstance(model, RegAutoEncoder), 'model must be an object of the class RegAutoEncoder' assert model.num_reg == len(eig_weights), 'number of weights does not match the number of eigenfunctions!' #--- prepare the data --- self._weights = torch.tensor(traj_obj.weights).to(dtype=torch.get_default_dtype()) self._traj = torch.tensor(traj_obj.trajectory).to(dtype=torch.get_default_dtype()) self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = gamma self.eta = eta self.num_reg = model.num_reg self.tot_dim = traj_obj.trajectory[0,...].size self._eps = 1e-5 self._eig_w = eig_weights self._cvec = None self.freeze_encoder = freeze_encoder self.traj_dt = traj_obj.dt lag_ae_idx = lag_tau_ae / self.traj_dt lag_idx = lag_tau_reg / self.traj_dt assert abs(lag_ae_idx-int(lag_ae_idx)) < 1e-6 and abs(lag_idx-int(lag_idx)) < 1e-6, f'lag-times ({lag_tau_ae}, {lag_tau_reg}) not divisable by the timestep {self.traj_dt} of the trajectory' self.lag_ae_idx = int(lag_ae_idx) self.lag_idx = int(lag_idx) if self.gamma[0] + self.gamma[1] > self._eps : # if loss on eigenfunctions are involved assert self.num_reg > 0, 'number of eigenfunctions must be positive!' # list of (i,j) pairs in the penalty term self._ij_list = list(itertools.combinations(range(self.num_reg), 2)) self._num_ij_pairs = len(self._ij_list) if self.lag_idx == 0 : # generator self._beta = beta self._diag_coeff = torch.ones(self.tot_dim) # only identity matrix is supported currently if self.eta[2] > self._eps : # orthogonality constraints on encoder's components self._enc_ij_list = list(itertools.combinations(range(self.k), 2)) self._enc_num_ij_pairs = len(self._enc_ij_list) # print information of trajectory if self.verbose: print ( '\nShape of trajectory data array:\n {}'.format(self._traj.shape), flush=True )
[docs] def colvar_model(self): r""" Return: :external+pytorch:class:`torch.nn.Module`: neural network that represents collective variables, concatenation of :attr:`preprocessing_layer` and the encoder :attr:`model.encoder`. This function is called by :meth:`TrainingTask.save_model` in the base class. """ return torch.nn.Sequential(self.preprocessing_layer, self.model.encoder)
[docs] def reg_model(self): r""" Return: :external+pytorch:class:`torch.nn.Module`: neural network that represents the regularizers, i.e. eigenfunctions. A concatenation of :attr:`preprocessing_layer` and :class:`colvarsfinder.nn.RegModel`. """ if self._cvec is None : self._cvec = torch.arange(self.model.num_reg) reg_reordered = RegModel(self.model, self._cvec) return torch.nn.Sequential(self.preprocessing_layer, reg_reordered)
[docs] def weighted_MSE_loss(self, X, X_lagged, weight): r""" Args: X, X_lagged: input PyTorch tensor weight: weights of data in X Return: time-lagged reconstruction (MSE) loss of autoencoder """ # Forward pass to get output out = self.model.forward_ae(self.preprocessing_layer(X)) # Evaluate loss return (weight * torch.sum((out-self.preprocessing_layer(X_lagged))**2, dim=1)).sum() / weight.sum()
[docs] def reg_enc_grad_loss(self, X, weight): r""" Args: X: input PyTorch tensor weight: weights of states in X Return: squared :math:`l^2`-norm of encoder's gradients """ Y = self.preprocessing_layer(X) Y.requires_grad_() tot_weight = weight.sum() enc = self.model.encoder(Y) enc_grad_vec = [torch.autograd.grad(outputs=enc[:,idx].sum(), inputs=Y, retain_graph=True, create_graph=True)[0] for idx in range(self.k)] enc_grad_vec = [enc_grad.reshape((-1, self.tot_dim)) for enc_grad in enc_grad_vec] loss = sum([1.0 / tot_weight * torch.sum((enc_grad_vec[idx]**2).sum(dim=1) * weight) for idx in range(self.k)]) return loss
[docs] def reg_enc_norm_loss(self, X, weight): r""" Args: X: data, input tensor weight: weights of data Return: penalty on the variances of encoder's components """ tot_weight = weight.sum() enc = self.model.encoder(self.preprocessing_layer(X)) # Mean and variance evaluated on data mean_list = [(enc[:,idx] * weight).sum() / tot_weight for idx in range(self.k)] var_list = [(enc[:,idx]**2 * weight).sum() / tot_weight - mean_list[idx]**2 for idx in range(self.k)] # Sum of squares of variance for each cv component loss = sum([(var_list[idx] - 1.0)**2 for idx in range(self.k)]) return loss
[docs] def reg_enc_orthognal_loss(self, X, weight): r""" Args: X: data, input tensor weight: weights of data Return: penalty on the orthogonality (covarinace) among encoder's components """ tot_weight = weight.sum() enc = self.model.encoder(self.preprocessing_layer(X)) # Mean and variance evaluated on data mean_list = [(enc[:,idx] * weight).sum() / tot_weight for idx in range(self.k)] var_list = [(enc[:,idx]**2 * weight).sum() / tot_weight - mean_list[idx]**2 for idx in range(self.k)] # Sum of squares of variance for each cv component loss = 0.0 for idx in range(self._enc_num_ij_pairs): ij = self._enc_ij_list[idx] # Sum of squares of covariance between two different cv components loss += ((enc[:, ij[0]] * enc[:, ij[1]] * weight).sum() / tot_weight - mean_list[ij[0]] * mean_list[ij[1]])**2 return loss
[docs] def reg_eigen_loss(self, X, weight, X_lagged, weight_lagged): r""" Args: X: data, input tensor X_lagged: data, time-lagged input tensor weight: weights of data X weight_lagged: weights of data X_lagged Return: eigenvalues, variational objective, penalty, and order of eigenfunctions (list of indices) X_lagged and weight_lagged are only used when computing eigenfunctions of transfer operator. """ if self.lag_idx == 0 : # generator X.requires_grad_() tot_weight = weight.sum() # Forward pass to evaluate eigenfunctions y = self.model.forward_reg(self.preprocessing_layer(X)) # Mean and variance of eigenfunctions evaluated on data mean_list = [(y[:,idx] * weight).sum() / tot_weight for idx in range(self.num_reg)] var_list = [(y[:,idx]**2 * weight).sum() / tot_weight - mean_list[idx]**2 for idx in range(self.num_reg)] if self.lag_idx > 0 : # if transfer operator, compute quantities on time-lagged data tot_weight_lagged = weight_lagged.sum() y_lagged = self.model.forward_reg(self.preprocessing_layer(X_lagged)) mean_list_lagged = [(y_lagged[:,idx] * weight_lagged).sum() / tot_weight_lagged for idx in range(self.num_reg)] var_list_lagged = [(y_lagged[:,idx]**2 * weight_lagged).sum() / tot_weight_lagged - mean_list_lagged[idx]**2 for idx in range(self.num_reg)] if self.lag_idx == 0: # generator y_grad_vec = torch.stack([torch.autograd.grad(outputs=y[:,idx].sum(), inputs=X, retain_graph=True, create_graph=True)[0].reshape((-1,self.tot_dim)) for idx in range(self.num_reg)], dim=2) # Compute Rayleigh quotients as eigenvalues eig_vals = torch.tensor([1.0 / (tot_weight * self._beta) * torch.sum((y_grad_vec[:,:,idx]**2 * self._diag_coeff).sum(dim=1) * weight) / var_list[idx] for idx in range(self.num_reg)]).to(dtype=torch.get_default_dtype()) else : #transfer operator eig_vals = 1.0 / (self.traj_dt * self.lag_idx) * torch.tensor([1.0 / tot_weight * torch.sum(((y_lagged[:,idx] - y[:,idx])**2) * weight) / (var_list_lagged[idx] + var_list[idx]) for idx in range(self.num_reg)]) cvec = np.argsort(eig_vals) # Sort the eigenvalues eig_vals = eig_vals[cvec] # first, variational objective if self.lag_idx == 0 : # generator non_penalty_loss = 1.0 / (tot_weight * self._beta) * sum([self._eig_w[idx] * torch.sum((y_grad_vec[:,:,cvec[idx]]**2 * self._diag_coeff).sum(dim=1) * weight) / var_list[cvec[idx]] for idx in range(self.num_reg)]) else : non_penalty_loss = 1.0 / (self.traj_dt * self.lag_idx) * 1.0 / tot_weight * sum([self._eig_w[idx] * torch.sum((y_lagged[:,idx] - y[:,idx])**2 * weight) / (var_list_lagged[cvec[idx]] + var_list[cvec[idx]]) for idx in range(self.num_reg)]) # second, penalty # sum of squares of variance for each eigenfunction penalty = sum([(var_list[idx] - 1.0)**2 for idx in range(self.num_reg)]) for idx in range(self._num_ij_pairs): ij = self._ij_list[idx] # Sum of squares of covariance between two different eigenfunctions penalty += ((y[:, ij[0]] * y[:, ij[1]] * weight).sum() / tot_weight - mean_list[ij[0]] * mean_list[ij[1]])**2 return eig_vals, non_penalty_loss, penalty, cvec
[docs] def train(self): """Function to train the model """ ll = self._traj.shape[0] - max(self.lag_idx, self.lag_ae_idx) X_train, X_test, w_train, w_test, index_train, index_test = train_test_split(self._traj[:ll, :], self._weights[:ll], torch.arange(ll, dtype=torch.long), test_size=self.test_ratio) bs_train = min(self.batch_size, X_train.shape[0]) # method to construct data batches and iterate over them train_loader = =, w_train, index_train), batch_size=bs_train, drop_last=True, shuffle=False) bs_test = min(self.batch_size, X_test.shape[0]) test_loader =, w_test, index_test), batch_size=bs_test, drop_last=True, shuffle=False) # --- start the training over the required number of epochs --- self.loss_list = [] min_loss = float("inf") print ("\nTraining starts.\n%d epochs in total, batch sizes (train/test): %d/%d" % (self.num_epochs, bs_train, bs_test)) print ("\nTrain set:\n\t%d data, %d iterations per epoch, %d iterations in total." % (len(index_train), len(train_loader), len(train_loader) * self.num_epochs), flush=True) print ("Test set:\n\t%d data, %d iterations per epoch, %d iterations in total." % (len(index_test), len(test_loader), len(test_loader) * self.num_epochs), flush=True) for epoch in tqdm(range(self.num_epochs)): # Train the model by going through the whole dataset self.model.train() train_loss = [] for iteration, [X, weight, index] in enumerate(train_loader): X, weight, index =,, # Clear gradients w.r.t. parameters self.optimizer.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) # Evaluate loss if self.freeze_encoder is True : for param in self.model.encoder.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False if self.alpha > self._eps : if self.lag_ae_idx > 0 : X_lagged = self._traj[index+self.lag_ae_idx].to(self.device) else : X_lagged = X ae_loss = self.weighted_MSE_loss(X, X_lagged, weight) else : ae_loss = 0.0 if self.eta[0] > self._eps : reg_enc_loss_0 = self.reg_enc_grad_loss(X, weight) else : reg_enc_loss_0 = 0.0 if self.eta[1] > self._eps : reg_enc_loss_1 = self.reg_enc_norm_loss(X, weight) else : reg_enc_loss_1 = 0.0 if self.eta[2] > self._eps : reg_enc_loss_2 = self.reg_enc_orthognal_loss(X, weight) else : reg_enc_loss_2 = 0.0 if self.gamma[0] + self.gamma[1] > self._eps : if self.lag_idx > 0 : X_lagged = self._traj[index+self.lag_idx] weight_lagged = self._weights[index + self.lag_idx] else : X_lagged = None weight_lagged = None eig_vals, reg_eigen_loss_0, reg_eigen_loss_1, self._cvec = self.reg_eigen_loss(X, weight, X_lagged, weight_lagged) else : reg_eigen_loss_0 = 0 reg_eigen_loss_1 = 0 eig_vals = np.zeros(self.num_reg) loss = self.alpha * ae_loss + self.gamma[0] * reg_eigen_loss_0 + self.gamma[1] * reg_eigen_loss_1 \ + self.eta[0] * reg_enc_loss_0 + self.eta[1] * reg_enc_loss_1 + self.eta[2] * reg_enc_loss_2 # Get gradient with respect to parameters of the model loss.backward() if self.freeze_encoder is True : for param in self.model.encoder.parameters(): param.requires_grad = True # Store loss train_loss.append([loss, ae_loss, reg_eigen_loss_0, reg_eigen_loss_1] \ + [eig_vals[i] for i in range(self.num_reg)] + [reg_enc_loss_0, reg_enc_loss_1, reg_enc_loss_2]) # Updating parameters self.optimizer.step() if self.save_model_every_step > 0 and epoch % self.save_model_every_step == self.save_model_every_step - 1 : self.save_model(epoch) if loss < min_loss: min_loss = loss self.save_model(epoch, 'best') if self.plot_frequency > 0 and epoch % self.plot_frequency == self.plot_frequency - 1 : if self.plot_class is not None : self.plot_class.plot(self.colvar_model(), self.reg_model(), epoch=epoch) # Evaluate the test loss on the test dataset test_loss = [] for iteration, [X, weight, index] in enumerate(test_loader): X, weight, index =,, # Evaluate loss if self.alpha > self._eps : if self.lag_ae_idx > 0 : X_lagged = self._traj[index+self.lag_ae_idx].to(self.device) else : X_lagged = X ae_loss = self.weighted_MSE_loss(X, X_lagged, weight) else : ae_loss = 0 if self.gamma[0] + self.gamma[1] > self._eps : if self.lag_idx > 0 : X_lagged = self._traj[index+self.lag_idx] weight_lagged = self._weights[index + self.lag_idx] else : X_lagged = None weight_lagged = None eig_vals, reg_eigen_loss_0, reg_eigen_loss_1, self._cvec = self.reg_eigen_loss(X, weight, X_lagged, weight_lagged) else : reg_eigen_loss_0 = 0 reg_eigen_loss_1 = 0 eig_vals = np.zeros(self.num_reg) if self.eta[0] > self._eps : reg_enc_loss_0 = self.reg_enc_grad_loss(X, weight) else : reg_enc_loss_0 = 0.0 if self.eta[1] > self._eps : reg_enc_loss_1 = self.reg_enc_norm_loss(X, weight) else : reg_enc_loss_1 = 0.0 if self.eta[2] > self._eps : reg_enc_loss_2 = self.reg_enc_orthognal_loss(X, weight) else : reg_enc_loss_2 = 0.0 loss = self.alpha * ae_loss + self.gamma[0] * reg_eigen_loss_0 + self.gamma[1] * reg_eigen_loss_1 \ + self.eta[0] * reg_enc_loss_0 + self.eta[1] * reg_enc_loss_1 + self.eta[2] * reg_enc_loss_2 # Store loss test_loss.append([loss, ae_loss, reg_eigen_loss_0, reg_eigen_loss_1] \ + [eig_vals[i] for i in range(self.num_reg)] + [reg_enc_loss_0, reg_enc_loss_1, reg_enc_loss_2]) self.loss_list.append([torch.tensor(train_loss), torch.tensor(test_loss)]) loss_names = ['loss', 'ae_loss', 'eigen_non_penalty', 'eigen_penalty'] \ + ['eig_%d' % i for i in range(self.num_reg)] \ + ['encoder_gradient', 'encoder_norm', 'encoder_orthogonality'] mean_train_loss = torch.mean(torch.tensor(train_loss), 0) mean_test_loss = torch.mean(torch.tensor(test_loss), 0) for i, name in enumerate(loss_names): self.writer.add_scalar('%s/train' % name, mean_train_loss[i], epoch) self.writer.add_scalar('%s/test' % name, mean_test_loss[i], epoch) train_loss_epoch=[torch.mean(ll[0],dim=0,keepdim=True) for ll in self.loss_list]) self.train_loss_df = pd.DataFrame(train_loss_epoch, columns=loss_names) test_loss_epoch=[torch.mean(ll[1],dim=0,keepdim=True) for ll in self.loss_list]) self.test_loss_df = pd.DataFrame(test_loss_epoch, columns=loss_names)